Under construction!
On this website i would like to share with you my knowleadge of electronics and articles mainly about robotic constructions, which can be in inspiration for other robot constructors. Other purpose of this website is presentation of my hobbies, skills and job projects.
Global Hawk UAV - Developer diary
Sorry, but this article is not available in selected language yet. 2011-07-20 12:05:32
Freescale Race Challange 2011 - Autonomous Slot Cars Competiton
Sorry, but this article is not available in selected language yet. 2011-04-17 19:45:27
Servo7QG - UART and I2C controler for 7 servos
This circuit was developed for the needs of the robotic arm PidiArm, precisely control its servos modeler. The reason for developing self-governance was that commercially available circuits are usually not able to make a smooth move by themselves and must be implemented in ways that are sensitive to speed communication with the superior circuit. But Servo7QG is solution of this and some other problems, so it could be operated via relatively slow I2C bus. 2010-10-28 23:31:58
Model of sorting line for color PET bottles lids
Another of my projects was my bachelor work too. It's consist of small robotic arm PidiArm and own production conveyor belt. It can sort tops of plastic bottles by color and it is possible to control the sorting line model via a PC. The practical outcomes of this work are RGB sensor, distance sensor and control unit for servos whitch will be described in a separate article. 2010-10-03 13:43:40
Starting with HCS08 microcontrolers - M9S08QG testing board
This chapter describes the design of a simple development kit. With its help will be easy to test all the peripherals of the QG. I have tried to design it in the way which will make possible to connect another extension boards or other development kits for the need of test of communication peripherals, etc. 2010-09-30 19:18:01