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Global Hawk UAV - Developer diary Sorry, but this article is not available in selected language yet. 2011-07-20 12:05:32 |
Freescale Race Challange 2011 - Autonomous Slot Cars Competiton Sorry, but this article is not available in selected language yet. 2011-04-17 19:45:27 |
Model of sorting line for color PET bottles lids Another of my projects was my bachelor work too. It's consist of small robotic arm PidiArm and own production conveyor belt. It can sort tops of plastic bottles by color and it is possible to control the sorting line model via a PC. The practical outcomes of this work are RGB sensor, distance sensor and control unit for servos whitch will be described in a separate article. 2010-10-03 13:43:40 |
Robot Biped Sorry, but this article is not available in selected language yet. 2009-09-26 14:38:25 |
RoboCompetition 2009 - Lego Mindstorm Sorry, but this article is not available in selected language yet. 2009-05-14 14:45:44 |
PidiBot This construction is a follow-up on previously published Robot 1.1. The aim of this new version is to reduce the overall size, to make easier access to components and utilizing Spezial Electronic's Bluetooth module connectBlue as robot's remote control. So now the robot can avoid obstacles autonomously or can be controlled wirelessly via Bluetooth. 2007-12-23 17:11:34 |
Robot v1.1 I'am interested in electronics and in very rapidly developing field, which is robotics. So I wanted to make the robot and learn to program microcontrollers in high-level language C. I decided of going into production of my first simple robot, built on an 8-bit and higher language appropriate HC08 microcontroller core. 2007-11-06 12:47:22 |